VISHNU Remember Vishnu again and again; By remembering Vishnu you will never suffer defeat.(Gauri Bawan Akhri Kabir, p. 342) At whose door should I take refuge, Vishnu, Shiva, an adept, a Muni or Indra. One may give you kingdom, the other may take you to heaven, rare one among
BRAHMADIKA - The Hindu Triad Brahma etc. and Sanaka etc. want to meet the Lord and also the Yogis, celibates and adepts. (Gauri Bairagan M. 5, p. 203) Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva contemplate about the Lord, but they are bound by three modes and are far from salvation. (Mani
SHIVA Shiva, the sage, remains absorbed within himself, but he is full of wrath and ire. (Wadhans M. 3, p. 559) Shiva, the Yogi, though tired of smearing his body, could not know Thy end, O Lord! (Suhi M. 5, p. 747) Shiva does not know the secret of