MACHHA (MATSYA)(fish incarnation) Machh (Matsya or flsh incarnation), and Kachh (Kurama or tortoise incarnation)incarnated under the Will of the Lord. (Maru M. 5, p. 1082) A tora (Machh)…..was redeemed in the company of the saint (Guru). (Malar M. 5, p. 1269) It is said that the object of this incarnation wasi to save Vaivaswata, the seventh Manu from destructionj by a deluge. In another legend it is stated that the demon Hayagriva carried off the Veda issued from the; mouth of Brahma to the nether regions in the sea where from the Veda was saved by Vishnu as a fish| (Machh, Matsya) by killing the demon. Das Avatars (fish incarnation).

References :

1. Kohli,Surindar Singh ed,Dictionary of Mythological References in Guru Granth Sahib 1993
