TAHL SINGH CHHACHHI (d. 1785), a Kohli Khatri, first entered the service of the Khattar sardars but later joined Sardar Charhat Singh Sukkarchakkia and received from him, in 1741, jagirs comprising several villages, including Miari Daud Khel. Tahl Singh also made conquests on his own account and captured territories
DOTTENWEISS or DOTTERWICH, a short statured, stoutly built German who, in 1835, joined the army of Maharaja Ranjit Singh as a military tactician. He was found unequal to the appointment and was dismissed from the service soon afterwards.
GOMEZ, also known as Lawrence Goniez Allard, was a Portuguese. Hejoined the Khalsa army in 1842. After the Anglo Sikh wars, he was taken by the British as adjutant in one of the police battalions raised from the disbanded Sikh soldiery. He retired in 1862.
GURBAKHSH SINGH KALSIA (d. 1785), a leading figure in the Karor Singhia misi of the Sikhs, was a Sandhu Jatt, belonging to the village of Kalsia in Lahore district. He received Sikh initiatory rites at the hands of the revered Bhai Mani Singh at Amritsar in the time of
METUI, a Russian soldier of fortune, described to be a captain in one of the regiments of the Sikh army in 1841 on a monthly salary of Rs 300. According to one account, he had married a Kashmiri woman and had a daughter by her and was a resident
MOHAR SINGH (d. 1785), a prominent leader of the Nishananvali chieftaincy, was the eldest of the three sons of Lal Singh. He added Ambala and Zira to the territories he had inherited and soon became an influential figure among the cis Sutlej chiefs. In September 1779, he at Thanesar