TOTA PURI, a nineteenth century monk, was the preceptor of Sri Ramakrishna Paramhansa whom he initiated into sannyasa. Little is known about his early life except that he hailed from the Punjab. He was born presumably of a Sikh family. Tota was his monastic name and Puri the name
JADAVA (YADAVA) By cutting joke with Durbasa, Jadavas obtained the fruit (punishment). (Dhanasari Namdev, p. 693) Yadavas are the descendants of Yadu, the eldest son of Yayati and Devayani. They were mainly cowherds. When Krishna was bom, they seem to have settled in the neighbourhood of Mathura on the
KARAM SINGH MAN, an associate of the Bhangi misi, belonged to the village of Mananvala in Amritsar district, and was a collateral of the Man sarddrs of Mugha. Ghakk in Gujrariwala district. Karam Singh`s father Tara Singh with a group of horsemen, most of whom belonged to his own