KUBERA , KUMERA (KUVERA) …..There are many Kumers (Kubers)….. (Sarag M. 5, p. 1236) According to Mahabharata, Kubera (Kuvera) was the son of Pulastya. Ravana was his half-brother. The city of kuvera is called Alaka which is situated in the Himalayas. Once he was also in the possession of the city of Lanka, from which he was expelled by Ravana. He propitiated Brahma for a very long time and obtained the boon of immortality. He became one of the guardian deities of the world and also the god of wealth. He was also given by Brahma, the self-moving aerial car Pushpaka, \’which was seized from him by his half-brother Ravana. He is the king of the Yakshas.

References :

1. Kohli,Surindar Singh ed,Dictionary of Mythological References in Guru Granth Sahib 1993
