KUBERA , KUMERA (KUVERA) .....There are many Kumers (Kubers)..... (Sarag M. 5, p. 1236) According to Mahabharata, Kubera (Kuvera) was the son of Pulastya. Ravana was his half-brother. The city of kuvera is called Alaka which is situated in the Himalayas. Once he was also in the possession of
AMIR SINGH SANDHANVALIA (d. 1827), a collateral of Maharaja Ranjit Singh, was born the son of Didar Singh Sandhanvalia. In 1784, he, upon the death of his father, succeeded to the family estates which he considerably enlarged. As Mahan Singh and Ranjit Singh rose to power, he seized several
GURBAKHSH SINGH KALSIA (d. 1785), a leading figure in the Karor Singhia misi of the Sikhs, was a Sandhu Jatt, belonging to the village of Kalsia in Lahore district. He received Sikh initiatory rites at the hands of the revered Bhai Mani Singh at Amritsar in the time of
KARAM SINGH DULLU, an eighteenth century Bhangi sarddr, was the chief of Jhang district, along the River Chcnab. He commanded about 2,000 cavalry and 1,000 infantry as a permanent force, and could on occasions muster 6,000 horse and 3,000 foot. He had eight strong forts in his territory. Karam