GOVARDHANA Through the Guru\’s discipline, Krishna lifted the Govardhana (mountain). (Maru M. l, p. 1041) Govardhan-dhari (One who holds up the mountain Govardhana)… (Maru M. 5, p. 1082) Govardhana is the name of a mountain in Vrindavana near Mathura. Once Krishna induced the cowherds and Gopis to worship this mountain instead of the god Indra. On this Indra was greatly enraged and caused a heavy rain to deluge the area. In order to remove the distress of the inhabitants, Krishna held up the mountain as an umbrella to shelter them ane their cattle, on his little finger for seven days. The baffled Indra paid homage to Krishna.

References :

1. Kohli, Surindar Singh (ed), Dictionary of Mythological References in Guru Granth Sahib, 1993
