VAR SRI GURU GOBIND SINGH Jl KI, also known as Jarignama Bhangani, is an account in Punjabi verse of Guru Gobind oSingh`s battle at Bhangani, near Paonta, in AD 1688, with some of the surrounding hill chiefs supported by the Mughal authority in Delhi. The poem comprises thirty-two cantos of
PRAVRTTIMARGA : NIVRTTIMARGA. In ancient religious texts four madrsas or paths or roads to life are demarcated: the path of action for personal gratification, leading to sensuous pleasures (cf. J5GXVI. 16); (ii) the path of action in the form of observance of religious rituals, with a view to reaping the
SHAHI TIBBI, a low mound about 6 km south of KIratpur Sahib (31"11`N, P&`SaE) in Ropar district of the Punjab, was the scene of a fierce battle in the time of Guru Gobind Singh. The Guru who evacuated Anandpur on the night of 56 December 1705, was given a hot
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