PARAGA (PRAYAGA) Bathing in Paraga (Prayaga) etc. do not equal the Praises of the Name of the Lord. (Gond Namdev, p. 873) Giving away great meterials in charity in the month of Magh at Paraga (Prayaga) and getting the body sawed at Kashi— without the Name of the Lord
SURSURI The moon abides in the forehead of Shankra (Shiva) and batnes in Sursuri (Ganges). (Dhanasari Trilochan, p-695) If the water of Sursuri becomes wine, the saints even then do not drink it; the impure wine and other waters, when they mix with the waters of Sursuri, they do
SHIVA Shiva, the sage, remains absorbed within himself, but he is full of wrath and ire. (Wadhans M. 3, p. 559) Shiva, the Yogi, though tired of smearing his body, could not know Thy end, O Lord! (Suhi M. 5, p. 747) Shiva does not know the secret of
BHAGIRATHA Jaharnavi (Ganges) was brought by Bhagiratha. (Malar M. 4, p. 1263) He was the son of king Dilipa, and a descendant of king Sagara. The horse of the Aswamedha Yajna of king Sagara had been led astray by Indra to the nether-regions (Patala) at the place of meditation
GANGA Jaharnavi (Jahnavi) or Ganges was brought (to earth) by Bhagiratha..... (Malar M. 4, p. 1263) If the wine is made from the waters of Sursuri (Ganges), the saintly persons do not drink it; if the impure wine or any other water, mixes with Sursuri, it becomes the Sursuri
PARIKHAT (PARIKSHIT, PARICHHAT) Sukhadeva, Parikhyata (Parikshit) and the sage Gautama sing the Praises of Guru Nanak Dev..... (Swayye Mahle Pahle Ke, p. 1390) Parikhat (Parikshit) was the son of Abhimanyu by his wife Uttara. He was the grandson of Arjuna. Even before his birth, he was killed in the