NANAK PRAKASH, by Bhai Mahendranath Bose, is a biography of Guru Nanak in the Bengali language. The author was a follower of Keshabchandra Sen, and the followers of Sen used the word Bhai or Rev. Bhai for one another to convey a sense of close kinship and brotherhood. He had
Chitta Lahu is Nanak Singh\'s first popular novel, published first in 1932, later going into dozens of subsequent editions. Rodu—a juggler—finds a forsaken child behind a bush, whom he adopts and brings up into a young beautiful girl, Sundri—the heroine—comes into contact with young Bachchan Singh—the hero—a devoted idealist very
PARAMARTHA, a combination of param, i.e. the highest or the supreme, and artha, i.e. meaning or objective or purpose, is, in literature, the title generally applied to a work of exposition of a scriptural text. Unliked which deals with the text in an elaborate and comprehensive way, the paramdrtha, in
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