KHIVA KALAN, village 6 km north of BhTkhl (3()°3`N, 75"33`E) in Mansa district of tlie Punjab, is sacred to Guru Tegh Bahadur who passed through here during one of his journeys across the countryside. Tlie villagers with the exception of a farmer, Singha by name, did not pay any attention
JATI MALL (d. 1642), also referred to as Jati Malik or Malak JatI, was the son of Bhai Singha who laid down his life for Guru Hargobind in the battle of Amritsar (1629). Brahman by birth, Singha was the family priest of the Sodhis. He converted to Sikhism and
SINGH, from Sanskrit sinha for lion, is an essential component of the name for a Sikh male. Every Sikh male name must end with `Singh`. Historically, this was so ordained by Guru Gobind Singh on the Baisakhi day, 30 March 1699, when he inaugurated the Khalsa. introducing a new
SINGHA, BHAI. During his travels Guru Tegh Bahadur once stopped in Khiva, according to the Sakhi Pothi, with a farmer named Singha. Singha offered water, grass and fodder for the Guru`s animals. As he got up to depart, the Guru spoke, "Why are you leaving ? What is the