TALAPUR, a village, 3 km east of Chamkaur Sahib (30″53`N, 76°25`E) in Ropar district of the Punjab, has a historical shrine, Gurdwara Tibbi Sahib. It stands on the top of a sandy mound (tibbi, in Punjabi) along a link road half a kilometre away from the village. On 6 December 1705, Guru Gobind Singh with his two elder sons and 40 Sikhs is said to have halted on this mound to survey the country in front before marching on to Chamkaur. The platform, constructed to mark the site, lias recently been replaced by a modestlooking singleroom Gurdwara. The Guru Granth Sahib is seated inside the sanctum and is attended by Nihahg Sikhs.