TOTA MAHITA, BHAI, a devoted Sikh contemporary of Guru Arjan and of Guru Hargobind. During latter`s time, he, along with Bhai Tiloka, came to be known as a soldier, adept in handling musket, sword and javelin. Bhai Tota Mahita and Bhai Tiloka fell fighting in the battle of Amritsar
CHANDIA, BHAI, a Dhir Khatri, was a devoted Sikh of the time of Guru Arjan. He rendered dedicated service during the digging of the sacred pool and the construction of Harimandar at Amritsar. His name is included among the Guru\'s devotees in Bhai Mani Singh, Sijchari di Bhagat Mala.
HARU. BHAI, Vij Khatri, a Sikh of Guru Arjan\'s time known for his devotion and humility. He received instruction from the Guru himself and learnt how individual effort was necessary to self realization even though God`s grace was the final arbiter. The name figures in Bhai Gurdas, Varan, XI.
NANO, BHAI, an Ohri Khatri, was a devoted Sikh of Guru Arjan`s time. He once visited Amritsar and had the privilege of receiving instruction from the Guru himself. The Guru, as says Bhai Mani Singh, Sikhdn di Bhagat Maid, explained to him the importance of the Harimandar as a
RAMA, BHAI, of Jhanjhi caste of goldsmiths who belonged to Shahadra near Lahore, was a pious Sikh of the lime of Guru Arjan. His name is included in Bhai Gurdas, Varan, XI. 24 T.S.
TOTA, BHAI, received initiation at the hands of Guru Arjan. He was trained in the martial art in the time of Guru Hargobind and became a skilled swordsman. He laid down his life in the battle of Amritsar in 1629. His name is included in Bhai Gurdas, Varan, XI.
AMARU, BHAI, a devoted Sikh of the time of Guru Amar Das. He lived at the village of Dalla, in present day Kapurthala district of the Punjab, and was initiated a Sikh at the hands of Guru Amar Das. See RAMU BHAI
JAGSI, BHAI, a resident of Fatchpur, was a devoted Sikh of Guru Arjan`s time. He, as says Bhai Man! Singh, Sikhdn di Bhagat Maid, once proposed to the Guru the names of a few living saints whose compositions, he submitted, might be considered for inclusion in the Holy Book
NAU SEKHAR, a Sekhar Khatri, who had turned a mendicant, received Guru Arjan`s teaching and became his Sikh. His name is included in the roster of the Guru`s devotees in Bhai Mani Singh, Sikhan di Bhagat Maid.