BUDDHA There are many Siddhas, Buddhas and Nathas..... (Japu, p. 7) The word Buddha seems to have been used for Gautama Buddha, the founder of Buddhism.Mythologically, he was accepted in Hinduism as the ninth incarnation of Vishnu. His great success as a religious teacher seerns to have induced the
CHANDI DJ VAR (the Ballad of goddess Chandi) or, to give it its exact title, Var Sri Bhagauti Ji Ki, by Guru Gobind Singh and included in the Dasam Granth, is the story of the titan tic contest between Chandi and other gods on the one hand and the
COSMIC EGG (HIRANYAGARBHA) The True Lord created the world with his own hands. He broke the Cosmic Egg into two parts. He united the ends of both the parts, and separated them from each other from the middle. (The middle portion became the space). In this way he made
GANDHARVA Millions of Gandharvas hail Thee, O Lord! (Bhairo Kabir, p. 1163) In whose house there are Ganas (attendants of gods), Gandharvas, sages and where helpless musicians sing..... (Malar Namdev, p. 1292) A Gandharva is half-man, half-bird. Gandharvas are celestial minstrels. Vishnu Purana states that they were bom from
INDRA Millions of Indras serve the Lord. (Bhairo Kabir, p. 1163) Indra was ordered and it rained heavily. (Var Malar M. l, M. 3, p. 1281) One has to die ultimately in Indra Purt. (Gauri M. 5, p. 237) Indra received the punishment of one thousand marks of disgrace
LAKSHMI (LACHHMI or LAKHMI) All the gods make obeissance to Lakhmi (Lakshmi). (Bhairo M. 3, p. l] 54) The Lord, in whose house there is ever youthful Lachhmi (Lakshmi). (Malar Namdev, p. 1292) Lakshmi is the goddess of fortune. She is one of the gems (Ratan), which sprang out