LAHURA SAHIB GURUDWARA, GHAWINDI DISTT LAHORE The village called Ghawindi is on Lahore-Ghawindi road. It is two kilometer from Ghawindi and the shrine of Jagat Guru called Lahura Sahib is located in this village. Guru Nanak had come to this village from "Jahman" and stayed under the benign shade of
SAJJAN, SHAIKH, a resident of Makhdumpur, 20 km southwest of the ancient town of Talumbha or Tulambha, now in Multan district of Pakistan, was a thug or cutthroat who, according to the Janam Sakhi "tradition, was once visited by Guru Nanak. Sayan lived in apparent piety and prosperity and maintained
WALI QANDHARl (lit. Saint of Qandahar) was, according to a tradition popularized by Bhai Bala Janam Sakhi and Bhai Santokh Singh, Sri Gur Nanak Prakash, a Muslim recluse putting up on top of a hill near Hasan Abdal, now in Campbellpore (Attock) district of Pakistan Punjab. Accompanied by Bhai Mardana,
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